And the Sex Survey Reveals…

A recent Cialis sex survey revealed a lot about the sex lives of those 40 plus.

60 per cent of those surveyed wish their sex life was spontaneous and 44 per cent said they were capable of living in the moment when it came to sex.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) are partially responsible for these numbers and can put a hole in sexual relationships. There are many ways to deal with ED, Anna Toth, M.Sc, registered marriage & family therapist and sex therapy provider, suggests consulting with a doctor or therapist. “Sometimes erectile dysfunction can be an indication of another problem, so talk to a professional. Also, you want to clarify if this is a normal coming and going with age or if it is this something else.”

Toth says if your partner is having a problem getting or maintaining erections, do not take it personally, “It’s a myth that men are always hard. It comes, it goes, it’s harder and it’s softer. It is very normal and natural. Men age, erections go away a little more often. Talk about it openly to the best of your ability without embarrassment or shame.”

And don’t forget there is always help “Therapy is always an option. The therapy can focus on aging and accepting the natural process,” says Toth.

If you and your partner’s problem go beyond ED, Toth suggests broadening your definition of sex “Sex doesn’t have to be about sexual intercourse only, making love having sex can be about ways of being together that are more sensually involved, more about your hands, more about your lips and your tongue. It can [even] be cuddling. It can be so many things. We are kind of restrictive in how we view sex and we are really focused on sexual intercourse. It can be so much broader than that and more enjoyable when it is.”

When it comes to the sex lives of those 40 plus the Cialis sex survey has some good news as well, out of the random sample of 1,000 respondents, 61 per cent stated that sex has become increasingly better with age (practice makes perfect!) and 40 per cent of those over 40 believed their sex lives were the best during their 40s or later in life.

“This speaks to me as more acceptance, a greater sense of humour. When you are young and it doesn’t quite work, it is the end of the world. When you are older and it doesn’t quite work, you’re like, ‘oh well, that’s how it goes.’ You have more time, you might be more relaxed and have a greater sense of acceptance for yourself and your partner and changes in your bodies.”

– Tianna Robinson