How to grow miniature roses

Miniature roses can be grown in hanging baskets, in planters on a patio, balcony or garden deck, as well as in the garden. They produce an abundance of miniature blooms on compact dwarf plants from May until frost.

Miniature bush roses are grown on their own roots and are not grafted like larger hybrid teas, floribundas and grandflora roses. By their very nature, miniature roses are a hardier type of rose requiring less care than their larger growing rose relatives.

Miniature roses create a formal accent effect in the garden or a lovely conversation piece in indoor sunrooms or greenhouses.

Growing Indoors

  • Plant in a bright sunny window receiving at least 4-6 hours direct sun or place just under fluorescent lights so they receive 16 hours of light.

  • Set the plant on a tray of pebbles. Place water in the tray just below the top of the pebbles. This will create the necessary humidity for best growing conditions. Pots should not be sitting in water.

  • Keep the plant from cold or hot drafts. Room temperature is ideal.

  • When the plant becomes rootbound, transplant to a 12-15 cm (5-6 inch) pot using The Grower’s Choice Potting Soil.P>

  • Water roses from the top of the pot letting the water drain from the bottom. Keep miniatures moist at all times but not soggy. Under most conditions water every one to two days.

  • Feed with water soluble Iron Plus 24-8-16 once per month.

  • Potted indoors, roses need a dormancy or rest period. In autumn, set the plant outdoors in a sheltered location for 8 weeks of cool nights (Sept. to Oct.) and keep moist. After the rest period, prune the top branches back to 8 cm (3 inches), repot with potting soil and resume indoor care.

  • Miniature roses can be bothered by aphids, spider mites, black spot and mildew. Consult our Horticultural expert for necessary control measures.

  • Container grown roses can be planted anytime the soil is workable.