7 Memorable Movie Lines Almost Everyone Gets Wrong

Trust us, even film buffs have likely gotten these wrong! Here, 7 misquoted lines from classic films.

Every once and awhile, the perfect set of circumstances arise that allow you to deliver that favourite movie line you’ve been itching to use in everyday conversation. But what if that quote you delivered oh-so-confidently was, in fact, incorrect?

It’s inevitable: over time, even the most iconic movie lines will become simplified or outright misquoted by movie-goers, resulting in a mass misremembering of the original piece of dialogue. For example, if you’ve ever said “Luke, I am your father,” you’ve perpetuated one of the most famous misquotes of all time. (Don’t deny it, we’ve all done it!)

Thankfully, it’s not too late to restore these gems to their original form.

Here, 7 classic movie lines that are most commonly misquoted—and how to say them correctly.