Protect your family and your assets!

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It’s Our Future!

Current statistics tell us that the prevalence of dementia will skyrocket in our generation.   Over the next 25 years, the number of people with dementia in Canada is predicted to climb from over 500,000 to 1,125,000. A staggering and frightening statistic!

With this health crisis looming, the question that is increasingly on everyone’s mind is: “Will we be ready to face this enormous challenge?” The answer is uncertain, because the future of dementia care for our parents, employees, colleagues, friends and even for ourselves is being created right now.  What we do today will make or break our hopes for effe
ctive health care tomorrow.

As concerns grow, many are also asking: “What can I do right now?”  Can I focus my support on specific initiatives that have special meaning for me and play an active role in the progress that is made in that area?” The answer to that question is a resounding “YES!”

Wills and Powers of Attorney

With the rising tide of dementia, stroke and other brain related diseases, the Alzheimer Society wishes to deliver the important message of completing a valid and up-to-date Will and Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care before any potential capacity issues arise.  At the Alzheimer Society we are urging everyone to complete an estate plan.

Be a Super Hero!

We believe that completing a Will and Powers of Attorney makes you a Super Hero.    Why? Because by doing so you are protecting the ones you care about; your assets; and if you leave a gift in your Will, you will be creating a lasting legacy in the fight against dementia.  By doing your Will and including a charitable gift you can save taxes, protect those you care about and help save the world from dementia!    Together we can help create a future where dementia is defeated and Super Heroes rule the day!

With dementia on the rise it is staggering that:

  • Over 70% of Canadians do not have Powers of Attorney for Care and Property.
  • Over 50% of Canadians do not have a Will
  • Only about 15% of those who do a Will leave a charitable gift in their estate plans – despite this being an excellent way to save taxes.
  • Leaving a charitable gift in an estate plan can change the future.

Please don’t delay, get into action and get your Will and Powers of Attorney done today!  And by joining our Super Hero Legacy Giving Program, you can help create a future where dementia is defeated and Super Heroes rule the day. So why wait any longer? Act now! Click here to request a free Estate Planner and Guide or call Kristy Cutten, Director of Development at 416-847-8915.