Just What the Doctor Ordered: Trusted Plant-Made Medicine Advice


Are you interested in exploring cannabinoids as part of your healthcare regimen? Many Canadians are curious about starting their cannabinoid journey but oftentimes, they are unsure how to take the first step.

To provide some guidance, the Zoomer team sat down with Brent Zettl, CEO, and Dr. Lionel Marks de Chabris, Chief Medical Officer of ZYUS Life Sciences, a Canadian company working to pioneer the next generation of plant-made therapeutics. Mr. Zettl founded the first licenced medical cannabis company almost 20 years ago, making him and the team at ZYUS some of the most experienced in the Canadian medical cannabis industry.

Trust in Science and Medicine
While Mr. Zettl acknowledges that popping into a neighbourhood dispensary may seem like the easiest way to gather information on cannabis, he cautions against this approach: “Treating medical conditions is different than using cannabis recreationally and your local budtender at the dispensary won’t be educated on the safe medical uses of cannabinoids. If you are looking for trusted medical advice, you need recommendations that are rooted in science.”

First and foremost, Mr. Zettl recommends Zoomer readers consult with their physicians – this is the gold standard for medical advice on any health-related topic, including cannabinoids. Before your appointment, prepare your questions and determine your expectations around cannabinoids. The more candid and honest you are, the easier it will be for your physician to determine if cannabinoids are an option for you. If you are unsure how to speak with your physician about cannabinoids, you can find a checklist to help you remember all the important information to discuss about your condition, medical history and management strategies at ZYUS.ca. If you do not have a physician, you can visit www.ZYUS.ca to sign up for a free virtual consult with a licensed health care practitioner to determine if cannabinoids are an option for you. Your pharmacist is also a great resource for information on cannabinoids and can advise whether this approach may affect your current prescriptions.

Explore Health Canada
If you are looking for general information on cannabinoids, the Health Canada website provides educational links to explore. In Canada, a federal license is required to grow, process, and sell cannabinoids. All license holders are approved by Health Canada and are held to the same standards as defined under the Cannabis Act.

It’s All About You
If you and your physician determine cannabinoids are right for you, there is one last step: choosing your Licensed Producer. It is important to look for a reliable producer that is committed to manufacturing high-quality products that undergo rigorous testing to ensure precise and consistent therapeutic formulations. Dr. Lionel Marks de Chabris, a leading expert in chronic pain management, offers some additional advice: “Patient care is key. You need to feel comfortable and confident that the company you have invited on your cannabinoid journey meets your needs. You have to trust them and feel that they are truly committed to your ongoing well-being.”

In closing, Mr. Zettl adds: “Please know that you are not alone in this journey. Many people just like you are curious if cannabinoids can improve their quality of life and manage their symptoms. I encourage you to seek out the trusted, medical information you need to make the right choice for your well-being.”

For more information about ZYUS, visit ZYUS.ca