Strong women need strong bones

Maintaining bone health is simple. Tips to keep you (and your bones) at your strongest.

Many of us don’t want to think about osteoporosis. After all, it does sound a little overwhelming; osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture. However, the state of our bones is not something anyone can afford to ignore. In fact, 1 in 4 women and at least 1 in 8 men over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis[1]. Good news is that there are 3 simple things that you can do to help prevent osteoporosis:

First of all, eat right! A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is optimal to prevent the onset of weak bones. However, it can be hard to get all the calcium you need by diet alone. New Benefibre® Bone Health is one example of a supplement that can help you maintain strong bones and can even help prevent osteoporosis. It’s a product that is rich in calcium and vitamin D (and of course fibre!), and because it’s clear, taste free, and dissolves completely, you can add it to your favourite foods and drinks without changing their taste or consistency. In fact, by mixing 4 doses every day into the foods you already eat, you can get 100% of your daily recommended intake of calcium and vitamin D. Moreover, Osteoporosis Canada endorses Benefibre® Bone Health because it can help you get the calcium you need, which in turn reduces the risk of fractures. Simple additions to your diet like Benefibre® Bone Health can help you get the calcium you need without changing your daily routine. *If you have a loved one who simply can’t stand the thought of taking a calcium supplement, introduce a dose of Benefibre® Bone Health into their morning glass of water, juice, tea or coffee and see if they even notice it!

Second, review your activity level. Regular exercise can help you be more effective at warding off osteoporosis. Challenge yourself to choose exercises that are weight-bearing (increases the “load” or force on your bones), which will encourage bone mass, making them stronger. Also include exercises that improve your balance, strength and coordination, all of which will help you avoid falls.

Lastly, if after eating right and exercise, you aren’t sure if you are doing enough, don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor or health care professional about osteoporosis. A professional can help you understand if you are at higher risk, get you screened with a bone mineral density test and help you develop a plan to help slow down bone loss. It’s never too early to improve on your health.

Knowing how to keep your bones healthy is simple. A healthy lifestyle that includes, eating well with Benefibre® Bone Health to supplement extra calcium, regular exercise and knowing your risks will help you right from the start!

Did you know:

  • According to Health Canada, the daily recommended intake of calcium for adults is  1,100 mg per day
  • 1 rounded teaspoon of Benefibre® Bone Health = 275 mg of Calcium or the equivalent of a glass of milk
  • Benefibre® Bone Health helps in the development and maintenance of strong bones
  • Benefibre® Bone Health is endorsed by Osteoporosis Canada

For savings visit:

For Osteoporosis Canada calcium guidelines and more information on osteoporosis

® TM/MC Novartis AG; used under license © 2011 Novartis Consumer Health Canada Inc., Mississauga, ON, L5A 2X7

