Quiz: How Healthy is your Immunity?

Question # 1

This past week, how many servings of fruits and vegetables did you eat every day?

A. 7+ servings per day

B. 4-6 servings per day

C. 1-3 servings per day

Question # 2

This past week, how often did you indulge in a sweet treat such as candy, soft drinks, desserts, chocolate bars or that mocha latte?

A. A few times this week
B. Every day
C. More than once a day

Question # 3

How many alcoholic beverages do you consume in a week (include wine, beer and spirits)?

A. A couple of drinks per week
B. Almost every day
C. A couple of drinks per day

Question # 4

On average how many packages of cigarettes do you smoke in a week?

A. None
B. Less than a pack a week
C. More than a pack a week

Question # 5

This past week, how many times did you feel highly stressed?

A. 0-1 Days
B. 2-3 Days
C. 4-7 Days

Question # 6

This past week, how many hours of sleep did you get each day (on average including naps)?

A. 7+ hours each night
B. 5-7 hours each night
C. 0-5 hours each night

Question # 7

This past week, how many total hours of exercise or physical activity did you get? (e.g., walking, cardio, weight training, gardening, physical work, etc.)?

A. More than 8 hours

B. 5-8 hours

C. 0-4 Hours

Question # 8

This past week, how many days did you take a daily immune booster to strengthen your immune system?

A. 5-7 days this week

B. 2-4 days this week

C. 0-1 day this week

Overall ratings and score

Mostly A answers

You’re in good health and have some excellent lifestyle habits that have supported your immune health. You may already feel the benefits of a healthy immune system – your energy level is good, you feel healthy, you have not been sick for some time and you feel good about yourself. Adding a daily all natural immune system supplement such as IMMUNITY-FX to your daily regime will help you live healthy.

Mostly B answers

You may already know that you could be achieving a higher level of health and wellness. You are moderately susceptible to disease and infection at this time. Make a pact with yourself to change some of your lifestyle habits, starting today. Try an all natural immune system supplement such as IMMUNITY-FX to give you the added boost your body needs to fight off disease and infection. And partner with a trusted healthcare practitioner to help you on your journey to health and wellness.

Mostly C answers

Your immune system is in a very weak state. Your defences are very low right now and you are more susceptible to disease and infection at this time. There are many easy steps you can take right now to begin strengthening your immune system like taking an all natural immune system supplement such as IMMUNITY-FX daily. Seek out advice and counsel from a trusted healthcare practitioner, such as your doctor or pharmacist.

Learning more about your immune system and how to keep it healthy will benefit your overall health and wellness. For a more comprehensive quiz and tools to help you reach optimal immune system health visit www.LiveHealthyQuiz.com

Photo ©iStockphoto.com/ Catherine Yeulet