Stay Online, Be Happy

What you’re doing right now is reducing your risk of getting depressed.

Who would’ve guess that reading could help ward off depression?

The Journals of Gerontolgy report that spending time online has the potential to ward off depression among retirees, particularly among those who live alone.

Researchers found that internet use reduced the probability of a depressed state by 33 per cent among their study sample. 
Late-life depression affects millions of North Americans age 50 and older. This new study shows that the internet offers older people a chance to overcome the social and spatial boundaries that are believed to fuel depression.

“Internet use may…counter the effects of isolation and loneliness, which are more common among older adults,” said the study authors. 
The reduction in depression was largest for people living alone, suggesting that internet use helped counter social isolation and loneliness.

“Encouraging older adults to use the internet may help decrease isolation, loneliness, and depression,” the researchers advised.

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