DISH UP: The Perfect Cup of Coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is the perfect way to start the day.

  • 6 tablespoons of Coffee
  • 3 8-ounce cups of filtered water
  1. Adjust according to taste, for weaker add less coffee but make sure the water is filtered especially if you live in a large city as the taste of the chlorine found in tap water can definitely influence the taste of the coffee.
  2. Also make sure the coffee is coarse ground. I prefer to use a burr grinder and a French press coffee pot. Lastly, keep a wooden spoon that you use just for stirring coffee.
  3. Pour the water immediately after it has boiled on top of the coffee. Stir with your designated wooden spoon. Let stand 3-4 minutes before you use the press.
  4. Pour the coffee and add cream or sugar to taste. Make sure the coffee is not too hot so as to appreciate the true taste and the spectacular aftertaste of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.