Check your GGOF funds

If you own any funds from GGOF (Guardian Group of Funds), better check them out. They’ll all have new names, and some of those names may convey a misleading image about how the fund invests.

A couple of years ago, GGOF announced it would offer three fund families, each with its own distinct style. The Alexandria group consisted of growth funds, the Centurion group incorporated value funds, while the original Guardian group funds were a value/growth style blend.

But now its all off. The new family names didn’t catch on and people complained they were too long. So every fund has now been rebranded with the GGOF moniker. In some cases, the word “value” or “growth” has been added to assist investors who want style diversification, but Alexandria, Centurion, and Guardian are history.

So the GGOF Guardian Monthly High Income Fund, one of the best of its type, now becomes simply the GGOF Monthly High Income Fund.

Ross Kappele, senior VP of sales, says there are now four classes of GGOF funds: Income, Value, Growth, and Blend. However, you may have some trouble figuring out which is which because the style name does not appear in all ses. Worse, some names may create the wrong impression. For example, the GGOF Dividend Growth Fund is in the company’s Income category, although the name suggests it should be included with the Growth funds.

You can find all the new names at the GGOF Web site at

Adapted from an article that originally appeared in Mutual Funds Update, a monthly newsletter that provides guidance on fund selection and portfolio building for investors. For subscription information, go to: