Do you smell carbon monoxide?

No, you don’t, because you can’t. Despite numerous warnings (and needless deaths), the majority of Canadian households still don’t have a carbon monoxide detector. Just as a new by-law that says every Toronto dwelling must have a carbon monoxide (CO) detector comes into force, a survey conducted for Canadian Tire reveals that while 95% of homes are equipped with smoke detectors, only 36% have a CO detector.

Among the survey’s findings:

  • 51% do not think they would recognize the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning
  • 69% of those aged 18-34 had not heard about the new by-law, compared to 65% of those aged 55 or older who said they were aware of the new act those who already have a CO detector are more likely to have children and own their home.

Whether or not your area requires a CO detector, an investment in one could be the smartest thing you ever do. They are relatively inexpensive (unless you value your life at less than $50) and easy to install. Change the batteries every time you change the clocks each spring and fall, and you’re set.