Speak like a cyber-native

You discover a long-lost aunt in Italy, but you were never much of a language student. Your son just left for France for a year as an exchange student. You want to email that visiting professor you shared an office with last year. But you, like many Canadians, are unilingual.

Well, technology will save you once again. With the “speakeasy Translation” software and a palm-top PC, you can translate on the go and never worry about finding a translator.

Speakeasy Translation software lets you dictate your thoughts into a palm-size PC wherever you are, then have them automatically transcribed and translated. Suppose you want to know how much a room in a pension costs. Simply say “How much does a room cost”, select the language you need, and show the screen of your palm top to the proprietor. His answer can be translated back for your English ears in the same way.

The software supports sophisticated Speech-to-Text recognition and phrase-based translation of four languages, recognizing up to 200 words per minute, with more than 96% accuracy. Users can also send and receive documents, letters, and e-mail. So the next time you hit the road, be prepared with your own translor in your pocket.