I’m not one to complain, but…

If you’re not one to complain, a new website service will make it easy for you. As most of us know from experience, travel doesn’t always go perfectly. Many times, the problem you experience is right on the border: is it worth the effort of writing a long letter, explaining everything that happened, and then trying to find out who to send it to? If you’re like most people, you’re liable to just forget the whole thing.

“PassengerRights.com” offers an easy-to-use complaint form, tips on effective complaining, and a handy referral service that speeds your email complaint to the right person at most major airlines, car rental companies, hotel chains, and other organizations. The service forwards your complaint to all the relevant organizations, who are more likely to respond to a complaint made in a more public manner.

PassengerRights has already done all the research for every type of complaint you might have. They’ve also compiled hundreds of e-mail addresses so that your complaint is forwarded to the appropriate parties within seconds. The website also has a reference section called “How to Complain and Get Results”.