Sex: Ask the expert — the numbers prove it

Q: Why is there so much interest in sexual matters for people over 50?

A: According to studies, the numbers prove that the majority of people over 50 are very interested in sex! Take the 2004 AARP survey of 1,700 men and women on the issues of sexuality at mid-life and beyond. They had three major findings. First, there is a new willingness of older people to discuss sex as a health issue with their doctors. They are looking for information about sex-enhancing medication and the methods to treat the issues of failing sexual performance.

Second, two-thirds of the respondents were married or living with a partner and found that sex was a critical element in a good relationship and played a significant role in enhancing their quality of life.

Third, although 63 per cent were satisfied with their sex lives, a third were dissatisfied with their sexual activity, and thought they needed more adventure, a younger partner, more privacy or more free time.

In 2007, The New England Journal of Medicine also looked at the sexual interests of those 57 to 85 years old. Of the 3,000 people surveyed, men and women agreed that good health and an active sex life are directly related. Untreated, sexual problems can lead to depression, social withdrawal and stopping medications. Planning for retirement is important, but our sex lives continue as we age and are an important part of a vibrant, active and happy life.