Are you a coach at heart?

Have you ever noticed that people are constantly coming to you for advice? Do you already feel like a coach? My name is Colette Baron-Reid and I have been an Intuitive Counselor for many years. I have done readings, toured as a speaker, and taught workshops for thousands and thousands of people and in the process have helped many realize the life they desire. Over the course of this time I have come to realize just how much I LOVE teaching people, bringing out skills that they have yet to define for themselves. I just love watching the “AH HA” moments that show up when somebody really gets it! Teaching & coaching are a passion of mine, and something that I am now bringing to all of you.

Because of this, I started a coaching Institute called the Master Intuitive Coach ® Institute. The outcome of the Institute is to help students realize their coaching abilities, enhance the coaching abilities of those already trained as coaches, and in the process change thousands and thousands of lives using my trademarked IN-VIZION ® PROCESS.

Our next module, Heart Dynamix® beginning September 6th, is designed around the building blocks of all human experiences, relationships. As relationships come in many, many forms with constant shift and change, understanding the way to heal & enhance a fully realized heart based relationship in now essential in our lives.

Coaches are trained in our transformational process, IN-VIZION® to help others realize their dreams and desires for happy fulfilled relationships with romantic partners, friends, family, co-workers, and Spirit. By using the IN-VIZION® PROCESS, our outcome is to teach you how to move your clients through challenges quickly and effectively so they can begin creating their vision of ideal. As you guide them through their landscapes, you help them to discover what it is like to experience strength through clarity, thus the rock solid foundation of all great relationships.

The principles for becoming a certified coach with us are simple. You enroll in the institute and immediately become part of our thriving community. Our coaches don’t compete. We work together, coaching each other, brainstorm, being part of a living, breathing community that appreciates each other and what we all bring to the table.

You may choose to become certified in one or all of our modules, depending upon your desired outcome. This also allows you the freedom to choose what investment in your certification is right for you.

I am of the belief that we can change this world one person at a time, one landscape at a time, one belief system at a time. My coaches have access to me, the real me!

We are unique and we are looking for unique individuals with gifts that can help others.

If you see yourself wanting to become a coach or wanting to expand your coaching practice, we want to see if you’re a good fit for us. We need people with compassion and who are interested in becoming part of a community of coaches like no other.

If this speaks to you, Connect with Mark Johnson at [email protected] or go to to find out more.

Copyright © 2012 Colette Baron-Reid – All Rights Reserved – Too Amaze Inc.