Are you sleeping with the enemy?


Do you wake up feeling congested, fatigued or headachy? Is your skin itchy? Eyes watery? Or worse, did you awaken to asthmatic wheezing?

If so, you may have been sleeping with the enemy.

You won’t believe what’s living in your mattress and your pillow
At the end of a long day, it can be a great comfort to fall into your bed for a good night’s sleep. But the inside of your mattress and pillows are likely the unhealthiest place in your home – and your bed is where you spend about one third of your time! The culprits are dust mites, mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria – and you’re likely sleeping with, literally, millions of them every night.

It’s enough to make you sick, and in more ways than one. Researchers have found that allergen and germ-infested pillows and mattresses are a primary cause of a weakened immune system and environmental illness. They are also triggers for asthma and allergies, conditions that are rising at alarming rates.

And that’s not all. Microscopic organisms have also been associated with depression, headaches, congestion, fatigue and rashes.

Modern conveniences such as efficient heating systems, air conditioning and humidifiers allow us to live more comfortably – but they also create conditions where harmful germs and allergens can thrive.

The good news: it’s easy to protect yourself
Doctors recommend using a sleep protection method such as HealthGuard™ mattress and pillow covers to provide a barrier between you and harmful microbes.

Benefits of HealthGuard™ mattress and pillow covers
• A clinically proven allergen reduction that eliminates and prevents the buildup of microscopic bacteria, mold mildew, fungus and dust mites inside your pillows and mattress. Standard mattress covers provide no such protection, and anti-bacterial covers only prevent buildup on the mattress cover itself.
• 100 per cent water proof and prevents all mattress stains, unlike standard and anti-bacterial mattress covers.
• It’s easy! To clean, simply remove and wash in hot water and tumble dry – a convenience you don’t have with full enclosure mattress covers.

HealthGuard™ has been protecting your sleeping environment since 1991, with over 3 million products sold. The products are 100 per cent Canadian made and are registered with both Health Canada and the Federal Drug Administration as a medical device.

Other tips to reduce harmful allergens
In addition to covering your pillow and mattress in mite-allergen protective encasings, the Asthma Society of Canada recommends the following:
• Keep the humidity level below 50 per cent with a dehumidifier
• Remove carpets
• Launder bed linens in very hot water ( 55 degrees Celsius) and use a hot drier

Experts also advise vacuuming weekly with a HEPA filter. To kill dust mites on stuffed toys, put them in a plastic bag and freeze for 24 hours.

HealthGuard™ products come with a 5 year guarantee and validate your mattress manufacturer’s warranty. For more information on these products and other ways to maintain a healthy home and personal environment, go to


To purchase HealthGuard please call our factory @ 1-800-624-2436 **** or email [email protected] and she will be more then happy to help you with any questions or orders.

***Special opportunity for Carp and 50Plus members to purchase directly from the factory at factory direct pricing. Mention this ad and as a bonus receive a free pillow protector (any size) retail value $24.95 with your order of a mattress protector. Don’t delay, there is no better time to sleep healthy and live healthy!

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HealthGuard 1-800-624-2436
