Women and brain health

More than 700 women gathered in Toronto in October to attend Sex, Aging & Memory, Canada’s first women’s brain health conference organized by Women of Baycrest (WB). They heard from an exceptional group of scientists, researchers and health care professionals about the latest evidence on protecting women’s health and cognitive function over the lifespan.

Dr. Tiffany Chow called the day-long event, “a rare opportunity for the general public to come together to learn about the impact of nutrition, fitness, menopause and technology on the aging brain.” A senior scientist with the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest, Dr. Chow is the first investigator to be supported by WB’s Women’s Brain Health Research Fund.

In a panel discussion which set the stage for 12 breakout sessions, Dr. Fergus Craik, an eminent memory scientist at Baycrest, said that investigators and clinicians are especially interested in the concept of “cognitive reserve.”

“Emerging research suggests that by remaining both physically and mentally active, people can actually strengthen connectivity in their brains, which could delay or even prevent the onset of memory loss and dementia associated with aging,” he said.

For more information on the conference, please visit womenofbaycrest.com.

Read what the experts had to say about:
The Power of Physical Activity
The Estrogen Connection
Important Links Between Diet and Brain Health in Later Life
Chronic Stress: The Enemy

Photo ©iStockphoto.com/ Atid Kiattisaksiri

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INSIDE THE LAB, is brought to you by ZoomerMedia Ltd. and Baycrest, the global leader in innovations for aging. INSIDE THE LAB is the place to go to get the latest in research and breakthroughs and all that you need to know for the journey of aging. From brain health and nutrition to caring for your loved ones, INSIDE THE LAB is your source for reliable, informative and up–to-date information.