Is it safe to travel?

Threats of terrorism and war have heightened concerns about international travel. In reality, there is no reason for you to forgo vacation or business trips, as long as you’re selective about the destination and careful about your planning.

You’ve probably always ensured you’ve had adequate travel health insurance. But today you should consider building in a little extra coverage time in case of unavoidable delays.

Identify and stay away from potential trouble spots. Many policies restrict benefits for customers travelling into war zones or areas declared dangerous by the Canadian government.

If you have questions or concerns, contact your travel insurance broker before departure.

Better yet, do your research before planning your trip.

Research sources

    This site offers comprehensive information and assistance for Canadians abroad from Consular Affairs at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

    The Canadian government website has a section called Fiting Terrorism, with information on border wait times and security measures for travel to the U.S.

  • There are also weekly travel bulletins, travel reports about virtually every country in the world and listings of Canadian government offices abroad.

  •  Get the same information by phoning 1-800-267-6788 or 1-613-944-6788.

    Prepared by the McLennan Group.