Still searching? Look no further

Anyone on the Internet more than five minutes knows all about search engines. These wonderful sites help you find exactly what you’re looking for. But even the best search sites often locate too much information, or give you pages of links to sites that aren’t related to your topic. With the constant growth of the Web, the problem can only get worse.

A Canadian company has emerged as a leader among those offering a new solution. of Quebec City offers free software that turns your computer into a powerful, multi-search machine. The program simultaneously searches the top search sites with your request. Then you get a clear, concise results page that lets you speed directly to your web destination.

The latest version of Copernic 2000 adds new features that make the program more efficient and easier to use than its predecessors. Best among the new features are “natural language” searches that let you phrase your search queries as if you were making a spoken or written statement to an actual person.

Novice users benefit
“For novice searchers, natural language queries may find more relevant information in less time than traditionaBoolean queries,” says company president Martin Bouchard. Instead of using the traditional search with asterisks before and after key word(s), users type a question into the query box.

“This new feature of version 4.5 will make it easier than ever for Internet searchers to quickly and accurately locate the information they want.”

I’ve been using Copernic 2000 for several months now, and Bouchard does not exaggerate.
Copernic really does deliver. The software simultaneously searches a wide array of powerful selected search engines and databases, filters the information, and stores the findings on your hard
drive. This is especially useful if you want to quickly revisit a site you’ve forgotten to bookmark.

The software is currently available in English, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese versions.

With more than 11 million web sites now online, with about a billion Web pages, finding the right information in the shortest possible time is a growing challenge. Copernic is definitely worth a
try. And the basic program is free.