Ultraviolet light kills germs; same system used in military bio-defense systems and hospitals now available for the home

Military bio-defense systems and hospitals have long used ultraviolet light technology
to kill germs. Now that same technology is available for household use.

The technology harnesses the germ-killing ability of UV-C, a part of the ultraviolet
light spectrum. UV-C light penetrates thin-walled viruses and alters their DNA,
thus making them sterile. It can kill airborne viruses and bacteria that cause
many of the most common illnesses, including flue, common colds, staph infections,
bronchitis, ear infections and strep throat.

Because the UV-C light is actually destroyed the germs’ DNA, they can’t
develop an immunity to it, as they can to antibacterial agents.

The technology works by intensifying UV-C light in a reflective chamber, and
then drawing air into that same chamber. The light then kills 99 per cent of
the airborne germs, viruses and bacteria, and the sanitized air is then recirculated
into the room.

A good example of the in-home application of this technology is the Germ Guardian,
a unit that can process 700 cubic feet of air per hour – ideal for a typical
10’ x 20’ room. Best air flow resus when the unit is placed on
a table or countertop – easily done, since the Germ Guardian is small
(just 17 inches high) and light (only four pounds).

The Germ Guardian is quiet, and consumes only 20 watts of power – less
energy than a standard light bulb. Used continuously (which is recommended),
it costs only a few cents a day to run. The replaceable UV-C bulb will last
between 8,000 and 9,000 hours – almost a full year of continuous operation.

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