Take the new ‘Trans-Canada’ next year

The new “Trans-Canada” may sound like a name for a new toll road, but in fact it’s what will eventually be the longest recreational trail in the world. When it’s inaugurated in September 2000, the Trans Canada Trail will cover more than 16,000 km across the country.

If you’re the type of traveller who likes to hike, bike, ski, snowmobile, or ride horseback, the trail will soon be one of your favorite spots in most parts of Canada. One day soon, ambitious travellers will be setting out on a real cross-country journey that will let them avoid city hassles and highway traffic.

Although the trail’s route is currently being finalized, it will likely use existing trails wherever possible. This includes provincial/federal parks, Crown lands, abandoned railway lines, and routes alongside rail lines and through rights-of-way on private lands. The Trail is a community-based project, and will be owned, operated and maintained by local organizations, provincial authorities, national agencies and municipalities across Canada.

An umbrella organization, the Trans Canada Trail Foundation, runs the program without owning or operating any trails. The Foundation has identifd a Trail Council in every province and territory, to “champion” the cause of the Trail in each region. Start your training regime today for a true Trans-Canada trip in the millennium, and in the meantime visit the website listed below.