ideacity2019: Dr. Mark Liponis on the Keys to Good Health

Dr. Mark Liponis

Photo: Courtesy ideacity

Dr. Mark Liponis will answer that question at Moses Znaimer’s ideacity which runs from June 18-21 at Koerner Hall in downtown Toronto.

The physician whose internal medicine practice is based in Lenox, Mass. is uniquely qualified to answer the question. He’s treated the wealthiest patients and the poorest.

For 25 years, he was the chief medical officer at Canyon Ranch, the upscale wellness resort corporation. He’s also spent many months in northern Laos, a decidedly not upscale region of Asia bordering on China and Vietnam.

“You’d think that money should be able to buy health,” he says, “but it’s not true for all health conditions. It may buy a few extra years but even among my wealthy patients, cancer is the chief cause of untimely death and the average age is 53.”

Money doesn’t buy happiness, either, he says. Happiness, he says, “transcends money. Money is just the down payment.”

Money can also cause unhappiness. “Money can be a liability when it comes to happiness. It can cause more stress.”

The focus of Dr. Liponis’ practice is prevention. He’s excited about new technology, like ultrasounds compact enough to be in every physician’s office, and soon, small enough to be wearable, he says.

It was an ultrasound that found his kidney cancer. His focus on prevention and the books he’s authored has given him the reputation of being a health and wellness guru. The general rule for staying healthy, he says, “is for people to learn to eat less.”

Reducing calorie consumption, he says, is the key to helping to prevent some diseases, including some cancers. “Everybody believes that exercise is the key, but no. Fitness is the key to retaining good function but it doesn’t produce good health. Exercise is not the answer.”

The second rule for staying healthy, he says, is happiness. “Here in the U.S., people are worried, they’re sad, they don’t sleep, they don’t know how to get happy.” His advice to get happy: Help somebody else and get close to nature.

Dr. Liponis will be speaking on June 21 at the Health & Longevity pod at ideacity about “Can Money Buy Health?” Go to for more information on scheduling or to purchase tickets. Or tune in to watch the free livestream on the homepage of